2020 could be the year we make positive changes…

Times are hard right now and many people are suffering across the globe to varying degrees.

In South Africa we are faced with economic crisis as our country has been laden with poverty for many years and lockdown has robbed many households of the very little they received.

It is hard not to focus on the pain that people are in, hard not to focus on the struggle. Yet…there is beauty. So many people are helping, in Plett alone they are feeding people daily, with soup kitchens springing up everywhere, donations of clothes, blankets and even dog food for those who cannot afford to support their fur babies. Schools are providing food for the children and it is in this you see beauty. We see change, even though small. This lockdown has brought the depravity of many to our attention in a real way, a way in which we are called to act and respond and help.

So yes, it is a scary time of uncertainty and of insecurity but it is also a time ofopportunity in this time of crisis.

How can we as addicts and those helping people in this profession respond. How do we push past the need of self protection and reach out to those who are in need. To act and to respond to the crisis we are facing we need to offer connection.

Many are sitting alone in their pain, are sitting hurting and struggling with their addiction alone. This program doesn’t work alone. Recovery can’t happen in isolation, we need to have people in our corner, we need to have people standing with us and holding our hand as we battle through each day.

So what can we do to create connection, we can open are hearts and our homes, we can be available on the phone, we can listen, we can encourage and we can hold your hand from a distance as you hold onto your sobriety or push forward towards recovery. We are here for you. No matter what you need right now, don’t be alone.

Reach out.
