Now more than ever we need to stick together. There is so much pain in this world, in our lives, but there is hope too. There is hope when we lean on each other in difficult times, and today in our world we are facing a grave difficulty. People are dying in the thousands, alone without their loved ones around them. With social distancing, with self isolation may I never see that day. We need eachother. We need to be held. We need to be comforted. We need eachother. May we all take this time to love our loved ones. May we all take this time to help eachother and reach out to those who have no one. Many people in addiction have lost their families, may this be a time to unite, to forgive, to start afresh.
Just for today, God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.
We can change our lives today, you can change your life today. Although we at Oasis have decided to close our doors for the safety of our clients, our staff and the sake of our nation and our world, you do not need to be alone.
We are here standing beside you, here praying for you, here wanting to help you. We have not given up, and we never will. We will be offering online support to all our alumni clients via groups and individual sessions and for those who are new at this, who need motivation to not pick up please contact us. We are in the process of developing an online program in which you can benefit from nutritional advice and psychological well being from our expert and established team. We are still standing strong and support staying at home. We fight for the hopeless everyday of our lives and today we fight as a world connected, a world of people who are fighting not only for their lives but the lives of every person next to them. Stay safe, stay warm, stay connected.